Friday, April 29, 2011

The Myriad Joys of Residence Halls

Odds are, if you live in a Residence hall, you live under other people. This was the case last year. Catherine and I lived under two gentlemen who I am sure are perfectly nice people. The noises that they made while living above us, however, were simply unbelievable. One night, there was a cacophony of sound that had us convinced that the ceiling would shortly be united with the floor, squishing us between. When the plaster remained intact, we began speculating what on EARTH could have caused that noise.

Here are some guesses:

• Sam and James were holding hands and simultaneously jumping off the counter to the ground
• They were dropping sequoias.
• They were bowling, using a concrete culvert as the ball.
• One of them had a stroke while doing yoga.
• and our favorite: They owned a pet mastodon (which, if you didn’t know, was a prehistoric and especially large variety of woolly mammoth.)

What do your neighbors sound like? And if Sam or James are somehow reading this…what were you doing up there?

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