Friday, April 29, 2011

Ohhh the RA Conference Was So Much Fun (Part II)

LumLove has long, long arms. As he tried to fold himself comfortably for the sweet ride home on the front row, he ended up lying flat on his back. He would extend said limbs and his fingers would brush the ceiling of the van, apparently providing him with vast enjoyment. The other boys, (not Bossman, who was driving or Captain, who was keeping Bossman company) were zonked out further back in the van. The girls were peacefully enjoying the dark car, after the constant stimulation and activity of the conference. As LumLove’s fingers walked around the ceiling, they stumbled across the light and flicked it on. He yoaned (yell-groaned) horribly and switched it off. A great cry of protest rose from all corners of the van.
Having a bright light suddenly switch on in front of your face is an unpleasant sensation bound to produce disgruntled reactions. These were found in abundance. “LumLove! Stop it!” “What are you doing?” “Ahhggh! Stop! LumLove! Please, don’t do that again!” and such like were heard simultaneously. His hand dropped and all the awake members of the vehicle laughed.
Seconds later, he did it again! Switching on the light, he made that awful noise, and the poor boys started stirring. Barkie decided to take the matter in hand.
“Seriously, LumLove, you do that one more time and I will dump my water bottle on you!” She shook the container in question,affirming to him that there was, indeed, plenty enough liquid to make the next 3 hours of the car ride rather miserable for him.
He sat straight up, “Barkie, if you do that to me…” he searched his vocabulary for a proper way to express his indignation,”it’s going to take a long time for me to forgive you!”
I started laughing. “Well then, don’t turn the light on silly!”
Barkie and LumLove exchanged glares. Mutually assured destruction had been established. Lolli was laughing, though she too had been vocal in instructing LumLove to quit his shenanigans with the blinding light.
He lay back down and the moment passed. Everyone settled down and got quiet again. His fingers started ambling along the ceiling. The texture must be therapeutic to the fingertips or something. I don’t know.
“LumLove,” Barkie said warningly, “those fingers of yours are getting awfully close…”
yep. Two seconds later, the light switched on, the dying cow noise was heard, and Barkie was over it. “Seriously LumLove? Seriously? I’m going to dump my water bottle on you!” She shook it violently near his face.
Thinking of the hardworking boys trying to sleep, I said meaningfully, “My waterbottle’s fuller than hers is.”
Lolli joined in, “Yeah, and I’ll spit on you!”
LumLove was really grossed out at this point (and I was in tears with laughter), “Agh, Lolli. Trashy. That’s just trashy. It must be the Georgia coming out in you.”
Bingo came out of a dead sleep to defend his native land. “LumLove,” was he said, but the tone of his voice indicated rather clearly that Lum would do well to change the topic of discussion.
Once I could breathe again, I found my notebook and wrote all this down. You see, the reason all of this is so funny is that we are such responsible, professional individuals who love each other dearly. Also, we are all at least 19. You would think we would have it together by now. But, nope. Not at all.
Dear Bossman, you deserve a medal. That’s all.

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