Friday, April 29, 2011

Ohhh, the RA ..well you know (Part III)

As I said earlier, we weren’t two speedbumps into our trip before Bingo was asking Bossman “Are we there yet?”
Lolli piped up, “LumLove is breathing my air! Make him stop breathing my air!” Then she turned around and caught the Intimidator’s eye. Her eyes flashing merriment, she turned to the front seat, “Intimidator is looking at me! He’s looking at me!”
Intimidator can hold his own against such childishness. “If you would keep your eyes forward, you wouldn’t know! Besides, I wasn’t looking at you.”
This car trip had many special moments...or quarter hours. For example, LumLove started telling us about his sketchy family history. I think this discussion branched from a chat about nature versus nurture. Let me just say that if genes have much to do with moral makeup, LumLove might be the next super pirate. Did you know he is related not only to the mafia, but to terrorists and even King Edward Longshanks (have you seen Braveheart? No, he wasn’t the good guy in that movie). The behavioral intervention team has been notified of his antecedents. : )
We listened to a great deal of music in our four hours to the metropolis. LumLove, Captain and Lolli all took turns being DJ. By the end of the trip the only requirement really was that we needed to be able to listen to the whole thing. LumLove’s favorite thing is to play about a minute and a half of any given song before he moves on.
The only CD that we listened to on multiple occasions was the soundtrack to the skit we would need to perform early the next morning. The clip of the skit is attached to the bottom of this post. Believe you me, it is worth your time. I have hilarious friends. Just imagine for a moment the brainstorming that went on in order to produce this masterpiece! : )!/video/video.php?v=466629265848

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